POSTED BY EMIL (Official Albion Online website)
More news for you all now! We’re on Steam Greenlight, which is another platform which provides you all with the opportunity to give your feedback on the game. Read on to find out how you can support Albion Online!
Steam Greenlight is a function introduced by Valve to their Steam service in 2012, with the aim of getting more independent titles published on Steam while also making sure that these titles were the ones the gaming public wanted. Currently their are three stages; first, the game’s concept is published on the website. Often these projects are running in alpha or beta, so the Steam community decides whether or not to support the project based on relatively little information. If the game is popular enough, it moves to a second stage in which the community votes for if they’d like to see the game published on Steam. In the third stage, the game is “Greenlit” and will be published on Steam, making it available to buy on the platform.
So why does this matter to Albion Online? Well, as of early this month, Albion Online is on Steam Greenlight! We’re in the first stage of the Greenlight process, so at the moment any support we get from the community really helps us to gauge feedback on the game so far, and doesn’t work towards getting the game published on Steam. Here’s the link to our Greenlight page:
We’ve added some screenshots and our introduction video to our Greenlight page, and this media is generating a lot of interest within the Steam community. We hope that, even in this early stage, Albion Online is impressive enough to get the gaming community excited! So here’s where you come in: If you want to support Albion Online, you can head over to our Steam Greenlight page, check out our introduction video and screenshots (if you haven’t already!) and rate, favorite, or follow the project; we’d be really grateful! As previously mentioned, your support won’t help Albion Online get published on Steam, but it will really help us out with working out what gamers think of Albion Online so far, and it’s also a great way of making suggestions to us!
If you want to head over to our Steam Greenlight page to comment, rate, or make a suggestion, we’d love it! We hope we’ve made it clear that community is really important to us, and Steam Greenlight is another platform we can use to interact with you guys.